Does it feel hard to look for a job in Finland? Are you thinking about educational options? You don’t know where to start? Free career guidance, sparring and support for job and education search are offered in English by many different operators in the Lapland region.
How to make an attractive and distinctive CV and job application?
Nowadays, job search documents can look just like you. The most
important thing is that you bring your knowledge, experience and
motivation to the forefront. Check out our tips for creating a CV and an
application from Mentoring workbook.
Autumn 2024 Infos and workshops for students on Finnish working life and job searching
LUC Talent Boost organizes infos and workshops for the international students of Lapland UAS and University of Lapland. Infos and workshops focus on Finnish working life and job searching in Finland. Workshops are organized in both Lapland UAS and ULapland campuses. Students of Lapland UAS can participate in a workshop organized at the University of Lapland and vice versa.
You need to register in advance and you can register for as many events as you wish - however, it is really important that you can participate. Please note that there are 20 places available for each workshop, "first register - first served". If you cannot participate, please inform us. Before each event, we will be in contact with you.
Registration: you can register to the events with this link.
Finnish working culture
What: How to build a career path in Finland? What should you know about Finnish working life and culture? Our visiting guest Henri Lehojärvi, who works as a Production Engineer for BRP Finland Oy, will tell us how he has built his own career path inside industry.
Where: Lapland UAS, class A321
When: 1.11.2024, at 9.00-11.30
Job seeking in Finland
What: What is included in a job seeking process? What are your strengths and how to utilize them in job seeking? We will share tips for doing a CV and building a cover letter. You can, for example, bring your CV with you and you can make notes and improve it during the session.
Where: Lapland UAS, class A321
When: 7.11.2024, at 9.00-11.30
Legal perspectives to work
What: What are the rights and responsibilities of an employee? What your work contract should include? What should you know about annual holidays and overtime work? Our visiting guest Jarmo Kiuru works as a lecturer in legal informatics in the Faculty of Law and is also a Chief shop steward for the University of Lapland. He will tell us about legal perspectives on Finnish working life.
You can send questions related to this theme in advance by leaving your questions to Flinga-wall with this link.
Where: University of Lapland, A176 (Eelin-sali)
When: 14.11.2024, at 9.00-11.30
Save the date:
LUC Talent Boost organises two Mätsis-workshops in January 2025: 14th of January and 20th of January. Registration opens in the beginning of December. Stay tuned!
More information:
Suvi Lehojärvi, suvi.lehojarvi(at)
Oona Kivistö, oona.kivisto(at)
Jaana Severidt, jaana.severidt(at)
Useful links:
Osaamo Rovaniemi
Ohjaamo Rovaniemi
Kemin Pointti Facebook page
TE services career guidance
Moninet multicultural center Rovaniemi
Mikseri multicultural in Kemi