LAPLAND CAN OFFER MANY OPPORTUNITIES! We hope that you would like to stay in Lapland after your studies. Use these pages to get started on your path towards working life in Lapland, entrepreneurship or perhaps postgraduate studies!

Explore existing services and find your place in Lapland! Check out the 10 + 1 points about working in Lapland!

Looking for a job after studies
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Lapland offers a wide range of job opportunities. Vacancies are advertised on the public job search website or on employers’ own websites. There are several websites for searching jobs, and employers choose the platforms they want to advertise their vacancies. However, not all job opportunities are publicly available. These so-called ‘hidden’ jobs are common in Finland and up to 75% of Finnish jobs are hidden! Therefore, you can also approach companies directly and offer them your expertise.

The easiest and quickest way to start looking for a job is to go online. The Employment and Economic Development Services (TE services), offers customers a comprehensive range of services supporting job search and employment, as well as business operations. In Job Market Finland, a meeting place for jobs, you can use the TE services, such as register as a job seeker or apply for a start-up grant to start a business.


Recruitment events in Lapland
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Many events related to job search, education and entrepreneurship are organised annually in Lapland. Events are organised face-to-face and virtually. Actively monitor at least the social media channels of the organisations that arrange these events.

You can follow events on the pages of TE services and Osaamo Rovaniemi.



Entrepreneurship in Lapland
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Lapland is a good place to start a business. Lapland has opportunities for sustainable and international business in various sectors, such as services, industry, forestry and tourism. Lapland is also a source of inspiration for pure natural products and creative industries. Entrepreneurship is also a great alternative to competing in the labour market.

Many support and guidance services for entrepreneurs are available in Lapland. They will help you in the different stages of your business and in its development. The services are available by region. Even if the websites are in Finnish, the service is often also available in English.


The University of Lapland and Lapland University of Applied Sciences offer a joint services supporting students and staff on their path to becoming entrepreneurs. The services place special emphasis on startup entrepreneurship. LUC start-up services provide guidance on topics such as developing a business idea, financing options, and other entrepreneurship services and networks.

Get in touch!

  • LUC start-up services 
  • Paula Kassinen, Start-up and innovation specialist, paula.kassinen(at)
  • 040 484 4233


Remember at least these!
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1. Start networking and build up your work experience already during your studies, especially LinkedIn is a good channel for networking.
2. Polish your CV and job application, and ask for help if needed. Many operators organise different CV workshops.
3. Learn Finnish! Especially the basics can go for a long way.
4. Don’t be discouraged and don’t forget to ask for help! You don’t have to look for a job alone. Instead, find yourself a career coach or trainer who can help you network and identify your opportunities.


The main aim of the workbook is to help the user identify the competencies and strengths and how to use them when moving toward working life in Lapland and Finland.

Mentoring workbook

MOOC: ORIENTATION COURSE! Want to know what real life in Lapland is all about? With this Lapland-orientation Mooc-course (massive open online course), you can learn, what life in Lapland is like and what culture shock means!

Support for job search and career guidance
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Does it feel hard to look for a job in Finland? Are you thinking about educational options? You don’t know where to start? Free career guidance, sparring and support for job and education search are offered in English by many different operators in the Lapland region.

How to make an attractive and distinctive CV and job application? Nowadays, job search documents can look just like you. The most important thing is that you bring your knowledge, experience and motivation to the forefront. Check out our tips for creating a CV and an application from Mentoring workbook


Autumn 2024 Infos and workshops for students on Finnish working life and job searching

LUC Talent Boost organizes infos and workshops for the international students of Lapland UAS and University of Lapland. Infos and workshops focus on Finnish working life and job searching in Finland. Workshops are organized in both Lapland UAS and ULapland campuses. Students of Lapland UAS can participate in a workshop organized at the University of Lapland and vice versa.

You need to register in advance and you can register for as many events as you wish - however, it is really important that you can participate. Please note that there are 20 places available for each workshop, "first register - first served". If you cannot participate, please inform us. Before each event, we will be in contact with you.

Registration: you can register to the events with this link

Finnish working culture

What: How to build a career path in Finland? What should you know about Finnish working life and culture? Our visiting guest Henri Lehojärvi, who works as a Production Engineer for BRP Finland Oy, will tell us how he has built his own career path inside industry.
Where: Lapland UAS, class A321
When: 1.11.2024, at 9.00-11.30

Job seeking in Finland

What: What is included in a job seeking process? What are your strengths and how to utilize them in job seeking? We will share tips for doing a CV and building a cover letter. You can, for example, bring your CV with you and you can make notes and improve it during the session.
Where: Lapland UAS, class A321
When: 7.11.2024, at 9.00-11.30

Legal perspectives to work

What: What are the rights and responsibilities of an employee? What your work contract should include? What should you know about annual holidays and overtime work? Our visiting guest Jarmo Kiuru works as a lecturer in legal informatics in the Faculty of Law and is also a Chief shop steward for the University of Lapland. He will tell us about legal perspectives on Finnish working life.
You can send questions related to this theme in advance by leaving your questions to Flinga-wall with this link
Where: University of Lapland, A176 (Eelin-sali)
When: 14.11.2024, at 9.00-11.30

Save the date:

LUC Talent Boost organises two Mätsis-workshops in January 2025: 14th of January and 20th of January. Registration opens in the beginning of December. Stay tuned!

More information:

Suvi Lehojärvi, suvi.lehojarvi(at)
Oona Kivistö, oona.kivisto(at)
Jaana Severidt, jaana.severidt(at)

Useful links:

Osaamo Rovaniemi Ohjaamo Rovaniemi Kemin Pointti Facebook page TE services career guidance
Moninet multicultural center Rovaniemi Mikseri multicultural in Kemi
Mentoring workbook
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The mentoring workbook can be used in many ways. It can be useful for individual career planning, help career counsellors who guide international students, or serve as a handbook for mentoring programs. It’s up to you!


Mentoring Workbook

Postgraduate studies and opportunities after graduation
Postgraduate studies and opportunities and opportunities after graduation UUSI art.png
The universities of Lapland offer many opportunities for developing competencies even after graduation. You can study for a Master’s degree at Lapland University of Applied Sciences or alternatively at the University of Lapland in Master’s programmes in English. Find out if you can apply for different Master’s programmes from the universities’ application services. Graduates of a Master’s degree also have the opportunity to continue their doctoral studies offered by the University of Lapland.

In addition, open university studies offer opportunities for anyone, regardless of background studies and age. There are study opportunities available that are also suitable to be completed while working.


Postgraduate studies and opportunities and opportunities after graduation:
Master Programme in Digital Business Management, Lapland UAS

University of Lapland Master's degrees in English
University of Lapland doctoral studies
Open University studies
Open University of Applied Sciences
Universities application services:
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
University of Lapland

Finnish language studies
Finnish language studies UUSI linnut.png
It is worth studying Finnish, as it will expand your work opportunities in Lapland. You can develop your skills by studying and participating in discussion groups. In addition to universities, adult education centres and multicultural centres offer studies in the region. In particular, studies at open universities are popular, and studies are available for all – from beginners to those who are already proficient in their language skills.


Plannig my Finnish language studies

Finnish language studies:
Open University
Open University of Applied Sciences
Rovaniemen kansalaisopisto

Finnish language studies free of change:
Moninet language material
Kielibuusti-webpages: Explore language learning tips and materials, and make learning and using Finnish part of your everyday life.

Language applications e.g Lengo. WordDive, Duolingo, Yle kielikoulu



Jobseeker’s dictionary

Kela, or the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, takes care of the social security of many Finns living in Finland and abroad in different life situations. Social security provided by Kela includes, for example, allowances for families with children, health insurance, rehabilitation, basic unemployment benefit, basic income support, housing allowance, student financial aid, disability benefits and minimum pensions.

The Finnish Tax Administration
The Finnish Tax Administration is the Finnish authority responsible for collecting taxes for the society. The Tax Administration remits the taxes collected to the tax recipients maintaining the services of the society, i.e. the state, municipalities, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), both Evangelical Lutheran and Orthodox churches, and the Åland Forestry Management Association. 
Tax card

A tax card is a document that shows your tax rate. You will need a tax card if you have income. If your income changes during the year, order a new tax card. You get a tax card from The Finnish Tax Administration.


Migri, or the Finnish Immigration Service, provides general information on issues related to entry, residence, asylum application and refugee status, as well as Finnish citizenship.

DVV, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, promotes the digitalisation of society, secures access to information and provides services for customers’ varying situations in life. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s task is to help lead the way, reform society and support citizens’ dealings with public administration. is an online service that helps citizens and entrepreneurs in different situations. gathers the necessary information, instructions and services for handling matters at a single address.

TE services

TE services helps to get a job, provides advice on training and takes care of the social benefits of unemployed jobseekers. The clients of the Employment and Economic Development Office are job seekers and employers offering work.

Electronic identification

Electronic identification means proving your identity when handling personal matters on the Internet. This will prevent anyone else from accessing your information (for example, banking or health data). The most common way to verify your identity is by using bank codes, a mobile phone certificate or a chipped identity card.

Career guidance

Career guidance is guidance that supports an individual’s plans towards work, education or entrepreneurship. During guidance, the instructor helps the individual to see their possibilities and to direct their decisions towards their own goals.

A work try-out
A work try-out is like an internship, when an individual is employed by the employer. The employer does not pay salary for the trial period, but the individual is entitled to an increased unemployment benefit. In the work trial, individuals can explore their career choices and career opportunities or their chances of returning to the labour market.
A work permit

A work permit, i.e. an employee’s residence permit, is a permit issued by an authority and it allows a foreign person to have a paid job in Finland.  

A hidden job
A hidden job usually means job opportunities that are not advertised publicly, but suitable experts are found, for example, through direct search consultants or networks. Sometimes, however, a hidden job can be created when the right person offers their skills at the right time.
Student Stories
Saigon Noodle Bar owners smiling

Business studies inspired to become an entrepreneur in Lapland

"Finland is so different from Vietnam. Here it is fresh, so beautiful, simple and quiet. In Vietnam everything is so hectic and busy. Even happiness as a concept is different here than in Vietnam. Finns love to go to the forest. Silence is luxury! And here are more reindeer than people, it is amazing! Judy laughs.

Studying business in Lapland UAS has given the information needed as an entrepreneur and courage to start something totally new."

Read more about Judy Thais experiences of working in Lapland

Watch a video about Judy Thai telling her story

Mark and Katja standing in University of Lapland hallway

Find yourself in Lapland

"Alumni couple Katja and Mark fell in love in University of Lapland and are now living together in Germany. Since graduating from ULapland they have both made an incredible career in Europe."

Read more about Katja and Mark's experiences
Marie smiling

My journey as a nurse

"I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Philippines. Choosing to study nursing again at Lapland UAS which offers a different kind of educational system based on Finnish Education program is definitely a choice to make to be able to work as a nurse and learn the Finnish healthcare system on a first-hand basis."

Read more about Marie's experiences

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